
Why I don't write for free – and nor should you

Why I don't write for free – and nor should you

The unedifying topic of artists and ‘creatives’ working for free has raised its head again this week. It was reported on the weekend that professional dancers were recently invited to perform in the taping of a music video for Kylie Minogue, “unpaid but [a] great opportunity and fun”. Apparently the budget didn’t allow for payment, but the producers promised “to feature as many faces as possible” and it would be great “exposure”.

There have subsequently been denials that anyone appeared in the video without payment, along with contradictory reassurances that: “The atmosphere on the set was amazing and everyone involved was thrilled to be part of it”.

Whatever the truth in this case, the general issue of people being asked to work for nothing but ‘exposure’ comes up all to often...

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