Write and publish your book in a year – Step 2: Outline

Write and publish your book in a year – Step 2: Outline

In the previous post in this series, I set you a goal of collecting as much of your ‘stuff’ as you could, in either physical or digital form, or a mixture of the two. With that done, you can move on to outlining your book.

You’ve got a pile of stuff. Now what will you write about?

The act of collecting together all that you know about ‘your’ topic can be quite daunting. Your ‘pile’ of information is probably quite a lot higher than you thought it might be. Which can create a problem. How to convey all that in the space of a couple of hundred pages?

The answer lies in understanding that your book should not aim to be a ‘tell all’. In other words, you don’t need to – indeed shouldn’t aim to – fit everything you know into this single book. This can be difficult for the first-time author to come to grips with but it is very important. 

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How secure is your intellectual property?

Further to last week’s post about online images and copyright, I posted a link on our Facebook page to an article from Crikey’s Daily Review about imminent likely changes to Australia’s copyright laws.

Anyone who has created, or intends to create, content – writing (books, blogs, articles), photography, music, etc. – should be aware of these changes as they could well affect the control you have over what is, after all, your intellectual property.

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Add pictures to your writing … without breaking the law

Out there in internet land, there is a widely held belief that images found using Google’s image search function are ‘public domain’ and free to use. This is wrong, and thinking otherwise could be costly.

Finding a photo or diagram on Google does not mean that you can freely use that image in a Word document or Powerpoint slide, on a webpage or on your blog, nor anywhere else. The same goes for any other image, piece of writing or piece of music, for that matter. 

You wouldn’t steal a shirt from a clothing store just because you can pick it up and try it on. Re-using anything you find on the web just because you can copy and paste it is no different. At the very least you should be aware of your right to copy that content before you do.

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Color or colour? Are you writing your English right?

Color or colour? Are you writing your English right?

Ever noticed that your computer and phone speak a different dialect of English from yours? How they think 'colour', 'analyse' and 'centre' are spelling mistakes when you know for a fact that they are spelled correctly? For the most part, those of us who write the Queen's English have become so used to being erroneously corrected by our computers that we don't even notice it any more.

It's time to do something about it.

Very broadly, there are two main English 'dialects' when it comes to spelling. The main differences are in word endings...

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5 ways to read more on your iPad or tablet

When a friend asked me recently for advice on buying an e-reader, it got me thinking about just how much I rely on my iPad for reading these days. Books, newspapers, magazines – nearly all my reading is done on this device.

Some say it takes a while to get used to reading off a screen, but in my view the convenience factor outweighs any temporary discomfort. And there are ways to improve your reading experience. Here are five things you can do on an iPad. (My focus here is the iPad because that's what I use, however most Android-based tablets will have similar capabilities.)

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Write and publish your book in a year – Step 1: Collect

Writing a non-fiction book or ebook on a subject you know a lot about is a bit like tidying the house. There is a ton of stuff in there (the house, and your head) and the challenge is to spread it all out, sort the good from the bad, then neatly arrange the good in a logical and satisfying way.

Let's start with that first task – spreading it all out. From a writing perspective, that means collecting as much information as you can in one place. That way you can stand back and have a good look at what you've got.

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Write and publish your book in a year. Yes you can!

If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me, ‘I have a book I want to write’, I’d be talking to my financial planner a lot more often. Or my travel agent. So many people in business have something substantial they want to say or share, and most of them have every right to say it. They are, after all, experts in their fields. 

The problem is that most people never get around to getting their book done.

Why? There are three reasons I hear most often...

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Stay regular for good blog health

This is definitely a case of do as I say, not as I do. Or have done until now (stand by for a  new year's resolution).

Writing a blog (or even a good old-fashioned email or print newsletter) is still a good way to keep in touch with your client base or followers. It helps remind them that you are still around and keep you 'front of mind', and it is the perfect way to reinforce the fact that you're an expert in your field – that you know what you're talking about.

But the benefits don't end there.  

Here are some hints for overcoming these and regularly posting to your blog.

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The news is dying ... long live the news

If you, like me, still live in the dark ages in which your news is delivered via a rolled up newspaper thrown over the garden fence every morning, you have probably noticed that the thud associated with said throw has recently become not much more than a gentle pat. They say the traditional print newspaper will be around for a while yet, but its increasingly anorexic state would seem to suggest otherwise.

So, what to do if, also like me, you’re a news and opinion junkie?

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e-ssentials of e-readers and e-books

In this year’s seriously silly shopping season, e-book reader (e-reader) is shaping up as the star. As a technology junkie and writer I try to stay on top of such things, so I thought it might be worthwhile giving you a quick rundown of what to look for, should you be in the market for one of these little gizmos. In case you don’t know, e-readers are electronic devices dedicated to the reading of downloadable books. You ‘turn’ the page by pressing a button or touching the screen, depending on the design.

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